“It’s not working!” Have you ever thought these words when concerning Prayer? I have met kid after kid who struggles through that exact thought process. The process of that “Prayer has to work for God to be real.” When, in all reality, that’s not how it goes at all! God has His own timing. His own way of doing things.
"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,"
-Isaiah 55: 8
Prayer does work. Maybe not how we’d like it to always, but that shouldn’t shake your faith in God almighty! If He doesn’t answer your prayers just then, then that means that He has a better plan for your life! It could be a test, to see how far your faith in Him will go. It could be to help others through Him. It could even be to get your attention! It could be any number of things! God is in control. He will listen to your prayers. God does Love you. He wants to help you. But sometimes, your needs or wants need to be answered in a different time, or in a different way.
I love hearing your thoughts on this, Hallie. Yes, prayer works. That doesn't mean things will always turn out the way we hoped. It means God hears our prayers and leads us in the way He knows is best. I know I've struggled with situations not turning out how I wanted, thinking things might have been different if I'd "prayed harder." But God knows what He's doing, even when we don't understand it.
I completely agree Brenna. This is a topic I believe more people should hear the truth about.